Funded by

European Commission (DG ECHO)

The European Commission’s Humanitarian Office commissioned Groupe URD to analyse three specific areas of the humanitarian situation in targeted zones in Chad.

The overall objective of the analysis was to improve planning of humanitarian operations and strengthen coordination and complementarity, particularly with other European Commission LRRD operations and the activities of other major donors.

The three areas were:

  • The return of Chadian IDPs (forecasting of needs, conditions and the nature and volume of humanitarian assistance that would be needed when the conditions were right for the return of more than 180 000 IDPs living in Eastern Chad);
  • The integration of refugees from the Central African Republic (with particular focus on food security in camps in the south and an analysis of the assistance that would be needed for their long-term integration);
  • Water and sanitationprojects in and around Sudanese refugee camps in Eastern Chad (analysis and technical recommendations concerning emergency relief).

The project had several objectives:

  • To allow ECHO to define its operational strategy for Chad;
  • To provide the necessary information to allow better coordination of European Commission aid operations and instruments in Chad and improve links between emergency, rehabilitation and development phases;
  • To help ECHO and the European Commission define its position in relation to inter-donor coordination (Member States and other major donors like USAID).

The team was supported by the external consultant Laurent Saillard.

Carried out by

François Grünewald

Co-founder & Honorary President

Bonaventure Sokpoh

Researcher, evaluator and trainer (2001-18)