Funded by

Terre et Humanisme

The programme launched by Terre et Humanisme via UAVES and CAPROSET aimed to promote agro-ecological practices in farming and day-to-day living in order to increase the resilience of communities to climatic hazards and in relation to the current war context.

The evaluation focused on both the content and effectiveness of the programme as well as its implementation and the general functioning of the organisation. The task of the evaluation team, made up of one member of Groupe URD and one national consultant, covered the following four areas:

  • the impact of the promotion of agro-ecology;
  • the methodology used to implement the programme;
  • the organisation and internal functioning of UAVES
  • prospects for the development and extension of the activities in Mali and neighbouring countries, notably through analysis of the 2014-2016 three-year plan.

The main objective of the evaluation report was therefore to guide Terre et Humanisme in its activities in connection with its three-year programme.

Carried out by

Bonaventure Sokpoh

Researcher, evaluator and trainer (2001-18)