Migrants are seeking refuge in Europe: where are they coming from? Regions with fossil fuel resources (oil, gas, uranium) that are at war or where there is tension; climate change causing drought… Through our work in many different contexts, we try to help to understand the complex and dynamic forces at work in the world, whether human, political or socio-cultural. We facilitated this conference on 19 May to share our experience.

For 27 years, this fair has promoted organic farming, renewable energy, ecological housing, ecological sanitation, alternative forms of transport, hygiene and wellbeing, international, national and local solidarity, and specialised environmental publications, bringing together artisans, associations, installers, and visitors.

Read more: http://www.ceder-provence.org/foire-naturellement/je-decouvre-la-foire/

Groupe URD will also participate in the RadiO’Live programme on 28 May from 18h to 19h on the theme “From local to global, where and how Baronnies NGOs act? along with Amnesty International’s local chapter and the “Un Cartable à la Main” Association.

Every summer Ensemble Ici and RadiO’Live take their microphones to the farmers’ market in Les Pilles to braodcast Radio Buvette which aims to help local initiatives to meet and discuss, as well as learn about making radio shows.
From one market to the next, Radio Buvette can take any number of forms, whether it is a radio studio dealing with local issues (local small farmers, the protection of birds, local music groups, etc.), street interviews about the local or global news, or workshops to learn about making radio (“what’s that sound?” radio postcards).