The 2017 edition of the Google Summer of Code is the biggest to date, with 201 open source organisations taking part: Sigmah will thus be taking part alongside projects such as Mozilla, Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap, OpenMRS, etc.

_ Sigmah will be recruiting students with skills in Java/GWT. The recruitment process is simple and is open to all, with the exception of those who have already taken part in this event twice. Successful candidates will be directly paid by Google to take on this technical challenge for the benefit of the humanitarian sector. They will work remotely under the supervision of the Sigmah team.

_ An initial discussion phase with the Sigmah team to decide what new ideas to implement will continue until 20 March, and the final selection of candidates will close on 16 April. The IT development phase will run from 30 May to 30 August.

More information is available at: