Literature monitoring

Influencer Europe: How is European humanitarian policy currently coordinated?, Ralf Südhoff, CHA, 2024
This paper examines the status quo of European coordination of humanitarian policies among the top ten European donors, exploring relevant formal and informal coordination forums and their regional dimensions in Europe and crisis regions. The analysis uncovers structural weaknesses in European coordination, examining why political actors sometimes for strategic reasons choose not to cooperate.

Stopping Famine in Gaza, Middle East Report N°244, International Crisis Group, 2024
The Israeli military campaign in the Gaza Strip has pushed many of its residents to the edge of death from starvation and disease. Only a prolonged ceasefire accompanied by a massive aid operation can improve the situation enough to avoid a horrific toll.

Rethinking humanitarian principles ? Consider community, context, and common sense, Tim Buder, Meg Sattler, Ground Truth Solutions, 2024
This document follows on from a project launched in Chad and the Democratic Republic of Congo, which aimed to ensure that people affected by crises could influence how they received assistance. It presents the results of dozens of individual interviews, focus group discussions and surveys, and the feedback received from thousands of people on the humanity and impartiality of humanitarian aid in these two countries.

Thematic literature reviews

Several times a year, “Documentary analyses”, focusing on a given subject often related to current events, are also carried out.