The KEY programme, funded by the European Union via the European Development Fund (11th EDF) and the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa is being implemented in the northern and central regions of Mali, with the aim of increasing the resilience of vulnerable people in terms of food and nutritional security. Groupe URD provides organisational and strategic support for the implementation of the programme and for the “agile” management of the operational changes that are made necessary by changes in the context.

The programme faces a certain number of challenges due to the instability in the region, the structure of the programme and its duration. A certain number of tools have therefore been put in place, such as iterative evaluations with mini seminars (see the IEMS concept note).

The objective of the iterative evaluation process is to gather information about how the programme is progressing (context, management, degree of implementation). It should:

  • Encourage shared discussion and learning, and create synergy (with the aim of providing support and learning);
  • Identify whether adjustments need to be made and make recommendations to help achieve the intended results of the projects (with a view to contributing to strategic project steering);
  • Be accountable to the Malian state, donors and the actual beneficiaries of projects (vis-à-vis accountability issues).