As was the case last year, we were actively involved in this year’s Humanitarian Networks and Partnership Week (HNPW 2018), funded by DFID and SDC and organized by OCHA.

During this year’s event, the new Quality and Accountability COMPAS was presented at the Core Humanitarian Standard stand, which was held by the 3 co-authors of the Standard: the CHS Alliance, SPHERE and Groupe URD.

One of the 20 thematic workshops that took place during the inter-network day on Wednesday 7 February focused on the different ways to put the CHS into practice. We co-facilitated these 5 sessions with the CHS Alliance and HQUAI.

We also took part in sessions by the following groups: the United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (a network that provides support for the initial response to disasters, and which celebrated its 25th anniversary at the HNPW 2018); the Civil-Military reference group; the Global Alliance for Cities in Crisis; and the UNEP/OCHA Joint Environment Unit (JEU). Having been involved in the HNPW process since the beginning, we also contributed to discussions with the Strategic Committee about the future of the event.