Groupe URD has been invited to share the lessons from our recent study and the related report, “What room for manoeuvre is there for aid organisations in France today to assist migrants?”.

Many associations and NGOs who deal with this issue on a daily basis took part in this event, as well as a number of personalities: Anne Hidalgo (Mayor of Paris), Benjamin Stora (Historian, Professor and President of the Cité nationale de l’histoire de l’immigration), Edwy Plenel (Médiapart), Eric Piolle (Mayor of Grenoble), Frederic Leturque (Mayor of Arras), Pierre Laurent (National Secretary of the French Communist Party), Benoit Hamon, Aurélien Taché (LREM), Michel Agier (Director of Studies at EHESS), Rony Brauman (co-founder of MSF), Cédric Herrou, as well as representatives of the HCR, Cimade, MDM and local associations…

In parallel to the Convention, opened to all, there has also been a variety of cultural events: exhibitions, humour, concerts, documentaries…

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