On Tuesday 22 June 2021, from 4-6 pm, the Association pour la Prévention des Catastrophes Naturelles (AFPCN), the Initiative pour le développement de l’expertise française et francophone à l’international et en Europe (IDEFFIE) and Groupe URD would like to invite you to the webinar ‘Les sociétés civiles au cœur de la réduction des risques de catastrophes : l’expertise des ONG françaises’ (‘The central role of civil society in DRR: the expertise of French NGOs’). This will be an opportunity for discussion between French practitioners and NGOs who work internationally and are part of the RepR Network. The latter has worked closely with the AFPCN in the past during major international events.

The session will look at the work of French NGOs in disaster risk management internationally via three aspects:

  • Reinforcing resilience (with CARE France);
  • Response capacity (with the PIROI – the French Red Cross’s Indian Ocean Regional Intervention Platform);
  • The involvement of civil society organisations alongside national Disaster Risk Reduction strategies (with Handicap International – Humanité et Inclusion).

Among other things, the discussions will:

  • demonstrate that the NGO sector has expertise in disaster risk management;
  • highlight possible areas of collaboration with other French stakeholders involved in DRR: the state, the scientific sector, and the private sector.