Via participatory teaching methods, the participants learn about:

  • The key concepts related to accountability and the participation of aid stakeholders;
  • Different participation approaches;
  • The key issues that affect participation in a given context;
  • Explaining practices and using tools that allow a project to be managed in a participatory manner;
  • Evaluating different approaches to participation – at the individual and organisational level;
  • The most frequent barriers and the most effective methods to overcome these in different contexts;
  • Changing practices – defining a participation action plan / strategy.

This training course introduces ways to adopt professional practices that promote dialogue with people affected by crises and other aid stakeholders. It provides tools and methods that place relations with communities at the centre of projects and is particularly aimed at people who are overloaded with reporting and procedures and who have begun to question the very meaning of humanitarian action.

Two courses have been organised since the module was developed, one in Paris and the other in Amman, during ACF’s technical MEAL weeks. The courses involved 17 and 22 participants respectively.