Valérie Léon has just written a research report on migratory flows in France, which has led her to focus mainly on three particularly tense sectors, namely the Hauts de France (Lille, Calais, Grande-Synthe), Paris and its surroundings, and the Franco-Italian border region (between Cannes and the Vallée de la Roya). This report intelligently raises the fundamental questions related to the arrival on our soil of displaced persons who have fled their countries of origin for various reasons, often mixed, which are too often reduced and catalogued to their detriment. It proposes avenues for reflection and action for a better approach to these issues, focusing on a completely different approach than repression and stigmatization.

During this evening, several topics will be discussed: the situation of migrants, the situation of carers and solidarity actors, and the tightening of host policies in the face of the inevitable phenomenon of population migration, present and future. Representatives of Cimade and Amnesty will provide us with information on rights and the latest legislative developments. Finally, the Comité Accueil Réfugiés de Buis will discuss its projects and perspectives, in conjunction with the États Généraux des Migrations, a vast associative and citizen movement.