Groupe URD has been working on the question of resilience in Nepal for a long time, and notably on the country’s ability to cope with major risks. Having been involved in several evaluations in 2015, we are taking part in conferences in Brussels and Paris to present the results of our work related to last year’s terrible earthquake.

On 21 April, Groupe URD will be in Brussels to take part in the conference, “One year after the Nepal earthquake” organized by Belgian humanitarian and development organisations (the Belgian Red Cross, Oxfam Solidarité, Caritas, Plan, Vétérinaires sans frontiers, Tearfund, Handicap International, Unicef and Médecins du Monde).

At the occasion of the 1st anniversary of the earthquake that struck Nepal in April and May 2015, Belgian humanitarian NGO’s are organising an informative conference and debate. Professionals of the aid sector will be invited to reflect on the lessons learnt and consider the way forward: based on the experience in Nepal, a number of themes and contemporary challenges in the field of humanitarian aid will be discussed.

The purpose of this event is to create better and shared understanding of some concepts like DRR, LRRD or resilience and to gain insights in ways of putting them into practice. While the sudden onset crisis of the Nepal earthquake will be the angle, examples from other crises and contexts can also be discussed.
We will then be taking part in a conference on humanitarian action organized by the Belgian news magazine MO.

Groupe URD will also be taking part in the conference “Népal, séisme du 25 avril 2015: un an après”, organised by the Collectif France Népal at the French National Assembly on 25 April 2016 where we will be making a presentation on “Analysing crisis situations and learning lessons from past events”.