Funded by

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation in Chad

In 1999, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) set up 7 regional development programmes in Chad following on from thematic projects providing support to public and community bodies that were launched in the 1960s. The sectors of activity that were developed were rural economics, education and health as well as gender and governance.

Since 2010, these programmes have been transferred to 9 local associations who were created for this purpose. They were supported for a transitional period of 2 years by the SDC, who decided to analyse the impact of some of them.

Two essential elements guided the external evaluation mission:

  • An organisational assessment to reinforce the potential for autonomy of APIDEL and PDR – WadiFira acquired during the partnership with the SDC. This consisted of analysing the strategic, financial, human and functional capacities of these local associations in order to ensure that they had the capacity to define and implement relevant development programmes in a reliable and autonomous way.
  • An assessment of the implementation of APIDEL and PDR – WadiFira’s programmes. This evaluation of the management, implementation and monitoring of the programmes made it possible to evaluate the degree to which objectives were achieved and resources were optimized as well as the views of beneficiaries and local partners. The objective was to reinforce the viability, sustainability and pertinence of the programmes of the two local NGOs.

Realistic and pragmatic recommendations were made to help APIDEL and PDR – WadiFira to make strategic decisions with regard to becoming completely autonomous, and implement their programmes in the most relevant way possible.

Carried out by

Blanche Renaudin

Researcher, evaluator and trainer (environment, 2010-15)