
François Grünewald and Claire Pirotte, Editions Khartala, Paris

Though necessary, this approach is not sufficient. Contemporary crises are such that former models are no longer relevant. Repeated emergency interventions and suspended development projects have become so frequent that it is necessary to revise the overall thinking behind international aid. Crises and turbulence have become an integral part of any development process. Should we not, therefore, integrate all forms of aid, all assets at our disposition, and vary the aid offered depending on what is needed on the ground, and put an end to the opposition between the emergency and development aid?

In response to these issues, over thirty French and European NGOs, from both the emergency and development sectors, have been engaging in discussion, sharing experiences and implementing innovative projects since 1997. In the same spirit, this book was a collective enterprise. The writers do not always agree and their contributions constitute an open debate about the various aspects of international aid operations: local government, opposing forces in a conflict, peace-keeping military forces, the actions of international agencies with different mandates….

This book was written principally for all those who are part of the long chain of ‘humanitarian actors’ – directors of NGOs, field workers, governmental organisations involved in international development, funding agencies, politicians, government officials. It will also be of interest to anyone interested in the current state of humanitarian action.