A summary of the key lessons of the COVID-19 crisis and its impact on information management (IM) practices in the aid sector (in English and French) :  https://blog.cartong.org/2021/02/05/enseignements-crise-covid-19-impacts-pratiques-im-secteur-aide/

A review of technical systems and solutions to manage feedback and complaints digitally (in English only): https://blog.cartong.org/2021/01/08/digital-solutions-feedback-complaint-mechanisms/

A case study on the ‘Feedback Days’ methodology developed by the RESILAC project (in English and French): https://blog.cartong.org/2021/02/08/etude-cas-consortium-resilac-renforcer-programmation-adaptative-methode-feedbackday/

All the resources published by the project are available on the CartONG website.